Are you aware that there is a simple method which you can generate your own electricity and power every nook and corner of your home? Believe it or not, for free. Once you have a magnetic power generator installed in your home, you no longer need to worry about your energy bills, since you will be assured of lifelong free electricity.
Not only will the machine help you generate your own electricity, it will also help make your own humble contribution towards the betterment of our planet too. World over there has been rising awareness about the harmful effects of global warming, with people actively looking for alternative, cheaper and cleaner sources of energy. The arrival of a machine that produces energy just by the use of magnets has come as great news in this scenario.
The principle that makes a magnetic power generator work is not difficult to understand. It is a well known fact that opposite poles of a magnet repels each other, while like poles attract one another. In this magnetic generator, a series of magnets are placed in such a manner that opposite poles face each other. The repulsive force that is produced by the magnets is what is used for generating electricity.
While there are other alternative sources of energy such as solar and wind energy, there are several advantages of going in for a magnetic power generator. For one, they are simple devices which can be easily built by just relaxing and working right from your house. Almost all the supplies that you need can be easily found at a local hardware store. An even bigger advantage that they offer is that they are not dependent on the vagaries of the weather, which is not the case with solar or wind energy.
All that you need for learning how to build a magnetic generator is a good guide on the topic. Once you have a manual, all that you need to do is to follow the step by step instructions which are found in such guides. The whole process to build one can be also a weekend fun option for the entire family too. Once you complete building the machine, you can then stop worrying about utility bills and power all the appliances in your home for free.
Useful information magnetic power generator:
Useful information magnetic generator:
Learn how to build a magnetic generator: presents you with wealth of information on home wind turbines and homemade solar panels. With us, you will learn the various uses and benefits of these amazing systems. Find out how you can save over 80% of your electrical expenses and protect our environment at the same time!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Uses of Solar Energy

This combination of hours of sunlight and strength the solar energy is called insolation, and the results can be expressed as an average irradiance as watts per square meter (W/m2), or – more usefully for us – kilo-watt hours per square metre spread over the period of a day (k Wh/m2/day). One square metre is equal to 9.9 square feet.
Why is this so useful?
Solar electric panels will quote the expected number of watts of power they can generate. This number is typically based on a solar irradiance of 1,000 watts per square metre.
A solar irradiance of 1,000 watts per square metre is what you could expect to receive at solar noon in the middle of summer. It is not an average reading that you could expect to achieve on a daily basis.
Once you know a solar irradiance, quoted as a daily average (i.e. the number of kilo-watts per square metre per day), you can multiply this figure by the wattage of the solar panel to give you an idea of the daily amount of energy you can expect your solar panel to provide for you.
Look into the various benefits home solar power systems can offer your family or simply learn how to build a solar panel today and save over 80% of your electrical bills.
Useful information solar panel:
Useful information home solar power systems:
Learn how to build a solar panel:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Environmentally Friendly Generators - Home Wind Turbines and Home Solar Power Systems

One of the easiest ways to implement such positive aspects of life is to purchase a greenhouse kit. This way you can take pride in the fact that your family is reducing the pollution you contribute to the environment. If more people are taking this approach, you can just imagine the overall benefit to the world. Take the initiative to do this yourself and encourage others to follow as well.
You will find that the use of both home wind turbines and solar power systems just makes sense. In addition to protecting the environment from damage, they will save you money on electrical expenses as well. Most of us would be very happy to see more money left over after all the necessities are paid each month. This becomes even more of a concern due to the economic depression in the world at present.
If you want to participate in healthy living, then you do need to make an initial investment. What you pay for greenhouse kits will certainly pay for itself in a very short span of time. Imagine knowing that the air you breathe is better because of the efforts you have made. There is no dollar value that can be put on such benefits. Take a closer look at the benefits from home wind turbines or solar power systems.
If you are on a limited budget then solar power systems may be more of an ideal investment. If we are ever going to win the war with global warming, then this needs to be done on a much larger scale around the world. Building solar panels on your own isn't a difficult task. You can do so with a kit that provides you with all of the materials you need to accomplish it.
Home wind generators are less expensive to implement. You do need open space so that they can do their job efficiently. They don't have any negative implications on the environment at all. The more wind that freely flows in your environment the more energy you can create this way. However, they are well worth the investment you make with them.
Useful information home wind turbines:
Useful information home solar power systems:
Learn how to building solar panels:
Useful information Home wind generators:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Wind Energy | Wind Turbine | Generate Electricity

Outside of mechanically pumping water, wind turbines are best known for their ability to generate power at remote sites. They’ve distinguished themselves in this role for decades.
During the 1930s, when only 10% of the nation’s farms were served by electricity, literally thousands of small wind turbines were in use primarily on the Great Plains. These “home light plants” provided the only source of electricity to homesteaders in the days before the Rural Electrification Administration brought electricity to all.
Today, three-fourths of all small wind turbines built are destined for stand-alone power systems at remote sites. Some find their way to homesteads in Canada and Alaska far from the nearest village. Others serve mountaintop telecommunications sites where utility power could seldom be justified.
An increasing number are being put to use in the lower 48 rates by homeowners determined to produce their own power, even though they could just as easily buy their electricity from the local utility.
Data compiled by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) in a 1990 study of its service area, found the number of stand-alone power systems mushrooming at a rate of 29% per year. They expect the market to continue expanding as urbanites increasingly move to rural areas not currently served by the Northern California utility. The business prospects looked so enticing that PG&E toyed with the idea of providing the stand-alone home power systems generators to reduce the battery storage needed. Many of those living off-the grid, like Tehachapi’s Wulf, reached the same conclusion intuitively.
Typically a micro turbine, such as Southwest Windpower’s Windseeker, or a small wind turbine, such as a Bergey 1500, a modest array of solar power systems, and a small generator will suffice for most domestic uses. Though PG&E found that most Californians living off-the-grid had backup generators, they seldom used them. In a properly match-source-off-grid system, the backup generator provided peace of mind, but little electricity.
Useful information home wind turbine:
Useful information wind turbine:
Useful information solar power systems:
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