Any type of shading caused by nearby vegetation or structures can cause a panel's efficiency to be reduced dramatically, as can excessive dirt. Since more than one panel is usually used in a PV system (known as an array), this can have a ripple effect on the rest of the panels, resulting in an overall and sometimes fairly drastic reduction in electrical production.
Fortunately, these problems are fairly easily remedied, and are addressed early on in the installation process by selecting a site free from shade or obstructions. Dirt accumulating on panels is an intermittent problem generally, and only requires an occasional inspection and cleaning.
Solar panels are the foundation of any solar electric system and are a very specialized, unique and durable, yet delicate, piece of equipment. The fact that they can produce electricity from the sun's light makes them extremely special and valuable, and the great thing is that they're now being recognized more widely as such. The manufacturing processes are improving and becoming less expensive resulting in cheaper, more efficient panels, and this trend is set to continue and get even better in the future. Learn how to make solar cells or how to build a solar panel today!
Learn how to DIY solar panel:
Useful information generate electricity:
Learn how to build a solar panel:
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