Solar panels generate electricity whenever they are exposed to sunlight. The voltage of a solar panel on an ‘open’ circuit is significantly higher than the system voltage. It is not uncommon for a 12v solar panel to be measuring 22v plus when not connected.
Connect several solar panels into an array in series and the voltage can get to dangerous levels very quickly: a 24v solar array can generate 45-50v which can provide a nasty shock in the wrong circumstance, whilst a 48v solar array can easily generate voltages of around 90v when not connected. These voltages can be lethal to anyone with a heart condition, or to children, the elderly or pets.
Solar systems produce DC voltage. Unlike AC voltage, if you get electrocuted from a direct current, you will not be able to let go.
Batteries can produce currents measuring in the thousands of amps. A short circuit will generate huge amounts of heat very quickly and could result in fire or explosion. Remove any rings, bracelets or watches you may be wearing and keep tools away from batteries.
The output from an inverter is AC mains voltage and can be lethal. Treat it with the same respect as you would any other mains electricity supply.
In many countries it is law that if you are connecting an inverter into a household electrical system, you must use a qualified electrician to certify your installation.
Assembling your Toolkit
As well as your trusty set of DIY tools, you will need an electrical multi-meter or voltmeter in order to test your installation at different stages.
Learn how to building solar panels:
Useful information generate electricity:
Useful information solar panels:
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