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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Types of Solar Panels

Basically, solar panels are made up of different solar cells and knowing the main types and their sub-types is the best way to research them properly. The most common type of solar cells is crystalline silicon which is made up of two sub-types monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar cells. Each of the two sub-types are very fragile, easily damaged and very costly when compared to alternative types. Also, both types require plenty of special care in the handling and installing but aside from that, their main differences lie in their ability to provide different levels of power and efficiency.

Monocrystalline solar panels are made up of single cells of silicon and are best known for being oddly shaped and the most expensive of all cell types. Their ability to offer plenty of power is what has anyone and everyone attracted to purchasing them but their shape causes more issues than one would initially think. Overlapping of the cells during construction causes wasted silicon on the sides of the device and in other cases, the odd shape causes spaces between the cells which cause wasted space. Either way, power is what these cells are known for and if that is what you need, then monocrystalline is for you but others may need more affordable options.

Polycrystalline solar panels are less expensive to produce which makes purchasing them an easy task as they are less expensive than single crystalline. Although these cells are less powerful than the monocrystalline, studies typically show that more consumers pick polycrystalline over monocrystalline cells. However, all crystalline panels are highly unstable and usually require being put between two thin sheets of glass or other material for constant protection and shielding from weather and other damaging elements.

Amorphous silicon solar cells are the least expensive and most durable out of the main types of solar panels. This type of solar cell is able to be applied to a variety of structures and that is an ability that no other cells have. Calculators are the most common item for one to see amorphous silicon panels in action and it is more than enough to prove their durable structure. Other sub-types of solar cells are known as well but less commonly used.

Find out how you can build your own solar panels and generate electricity at the comfort of home today!

Useful information solar panels:

Learn how to build your own solar panel:

Useful information generate electricity:

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