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Monday, June 7, 2010

Home Solar Panels - Generate Electricity To Save Money

Solar technologies are nothing new, it's been around for ages. It's most successful deployment to date was on the calculator where, quite frankly, it does an outstanding job - so what's the issue!? Click here for more information: DIY solar panel and home solar panels

Well the problem is, we aren't trying to power a device that only needs to display 10 small lines for five minutes a time - we need to power your house. Like most, your house probably consists of televisions, kettles, lights, freezers and much, much more. These things need powering everyday without fail and paying someone else to do it is a massive waste of money when you consider you can do it yourself for a fraction of the cost.

Harnessing the power of the sun can provide you with all the electricity you need to power your everyday appliances without the cost that goes with it. Virtually anyone can take advantage of this, even if you think you don't get a great deal of sunlight. Not only will you be supplying all the electricity your house needs with virtually no running costs, you will also be pleasing mother nature and there's something extremely satisfying about that.

A typical DIY solar power system, once built can provide you with all your electricity for up to 20 years. Now, I don't know how much you're paying for your electricity right now but I'm guessing that if it went into your bank account instead of giving it to your current energy supplier, you'd be a happy person in 20 years!

Come on, the electricity's not completely free - what about the cost to set the thing up?

You're right, no-ones going to give you a complete solar setup and so its going to cost something to get everything installed. For about $250 you can set up a fully operational home solar system, that's less than your current bills for two months.

Learn how to DIY solar panel:

Useful information home solar panels:

Learn how to DIY solar power system:

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