1. Free Energy
After the systems are installed at your home, the costs of collecting and using the energy are zero, plain and simple. You do not pay the "sun company" to collect the sun's rays, or to use the electricity that solar panels convert the sun's rays into. It's FREE - as in no cost, you don't pay, nothing out of your wallet, it's free.
2. Constantly Renewable Resource
If there were a trillion solar panels collecting the sun's rays, there would still be no depletion of the sun's energy whatsoever. Nothing is irreparably consumed to the point of reducing the resource even one subatomic particle. The sun is just hurling this energy out into the universe by the gigaton every second of every day. It's yours for the taking, so grab it all up.
3. Clean and Green
When you use the electricity produced from solar panels, there is no exhaust, nothing is burned off, there is absolutely nothing done to the environment at all whatsoever, there is no need for filtration, nothing is displaced, there are no wastes created, and that's that. This form of free energy is the cleanest that there ever was, is, or ever will be, period.
4. Save Money
If you stay connected to the electricity grid, and your solar panels are creating enough electricity to run your home and then some, you will see your kilowatt-hour meter running backwards. Yes, that's right - ask anyone who does this. Most municipal area laws mandate that while anyone using green energy sources that create a surplus of electricity while still connected to the grid, the local electric companies must buy back this surplus from the person creating this surplus energy. There are also many government sponsored monetary benefits allotted to those using green alternative energy sources.
5. Inexpensive
Home solar power systems used to cost many thousands of dollars back in the seventies, but now, due to many developments in the creation of photovoltaic cells (solar panels), and huge increases in energy output per cell, what used to cost many thousands now costs a few hundred.
Useful information solar power systems:
Useful information alternative energy:
Useful information home solar power systems:
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