What exactly is this "Generation of magnetic power" in simple English? It simply means a really cool way to "create" electricity for our entire household or a part of it. The basic idea is taken from primary grade science books. Really. We all know what a magnet is. Every magnet has two ends poles - north pole and south pole. When similar poles of two magnets come near each other, they repel. Opposite poles attract.
These forces of attraction and repulsion create movement. Now hold on. What is electricity? It's just movement of some stuff called electrons. Movement of electrons create electrical charge. That's electricity.
So there you have it. When two or more magnets move in a particular pattern due to attraction and repulsion, electrical charge is created. That exactly is the idea behind magnetic power generator. The more magnets you have, the faster they rotate, the more magnetic power voltage is produced.
So far in the article, we have seen only the "generation" part of magnetic power generation. Question is, how do we get it to continue the magnetic power generation? That is achieved by clever placement and anchoring of multiple magnets so that they continue to "power" each other to be in a state of continuous motion. But the primary grade science ends here only:-) From now on, it's mostly about simple but clever tricks.
Once they all start rotating, they continue doing that. This results in continuous generation of magnetic energy. This idea makes a Magnetic Power Generator work. It's only a question of hooking it up with our main supply line. Or, to begin with, connecting just one device, say a bulb.
That said, the reality is this - It's not so easy for you get the magnets and build a magnetic generator. Unless you are a professional. One needs clear and precise instructions to do it.
Why is it called cheap? Correction. It's not cheap, it's free. You have to buy some common stuff from your local hardware store that shouldn't cost more than $100- $120 at the most, even if you live in the most expensive place of the world. Most probably you already have these stuff gathering dust in your garage or attic.
From here on, making the generator is like a very exciting do-it-yourself project work. But what you will end up making would be very exciting. Your freedom from hefty electricity bills, either partially or completely.
Don't expect to completely replace your conventional power supply with magnetic power generator overnight. However, that's very likely a real possibility in future. Lot of people have done that already. Majority of people easily slash their electricity bills by 30-50% within one month.
Something that I like the most about magnetic power generator, apart from its simplicity is that it doesn't produce heat. It's small in size too. Not to forget, you don't have to pray for a sunny day to watch your favorite program on the TV at home! It's clean, neat and easy system to generate electricity at home.
Useful information magnetic generator:
Useful information magnetic power generator:
Useful information generate electricity:
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